What is cancer of the oropharynx : Diagnosed , Symptoms and Treatment

What is cancer of the oropharynx?

Cancer of the region of the oropharynx includes the soft palate, tonsil, walls of the pharynx, and back third of the tongue. The most common site for this cancer is on the tonsil.

Oropharyngeal epithelial cell carcinoma refers to cancer of the tonsils, the bottom and posterior third of the tongue, the taste bud , and therefore the posterior and lateral pharynx. epithelial cell carcinoma comprises quite 95% of oropharyngeal carcinoma. Tobacco and alcohol are important risk factors, but human papillomavirus (HPV) today causes most of those tumors. Symptoms include pharyngitis and painful and / or difficult swallowing. Treatment is with radiation, chemotherapy, or both, but primary surgery is becoming more common. The survival rate is far higher in HPV-positive patients.

As with most head and neck cancers, non-HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer is more common in older men with a mean age of 61 years. Tobacco and alcohol remain the main risk factors for oropharyngeal cancer. Patients who smoke quite 1.5 packs of cigarettes each day have an approximately 3-fold increased risk of cancer; and patients who drink 4 or more alcoholic beverages each day are at about 7 times the danger . people that both drink and smoke tons are 30 times more in danger of oropharyngeal cancer.

How is cancer of the oropharynx diagnosed?

The doctor will diagnose it by looking at it and feeling it if it is in an area that can be reached. In other areas he will use laryngoscopy. As with other cancers, biopsy is essential for a definite diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of cancer of the oropharynx?

The symptoms include a mild sore throat, lump in the back of the tongue and velvety red patches appear. Some are open sores. There is usually little or no pain associated with them. Some people complain of difficulty in swallowing, lumps in the neck, difficulty in breathing, and earaches.

Oropharyngeal Cancer - What Is It? What are the Symptoms and Treatment? - Head and Neck Cancer

What is the treatment for cancer of the oropharynx?

Primary treatment for this cancer is radiation therapy in most cases. Sometimes surgery is necessary a neck dissection may need to be done.


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